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新ソフト「株羅針盤XI Ver11.00 正規版」を当社HPへ公開しました
投稿日 | : 2019/10/25(Fri) 09:44 |
投稿者 | : スペース西 |
参照先 | : http://space.in.coocan.jp/ |
Ver10.50 株羅針盤Xを公開後、新機能の追加や改良を行なってきました。
新指標[EMA/DEMA/TEMA]移動平均、[SVR(西)]、[トレンドEx (西)]、[フィルター]等を追加し、
ホームページ http://space.in.coocan.jp/
Ver11.00... 2019.10.25 正規版 (*:大変更)(+:新規)(/:変更)(-:バグ)(?:未定)(!:情報)
→たつ さん、情報ありがとうございます。
[OR グループ] 指定市場、又は、グループ指定の銘柄 (1条件)
[AND グループ] 指定市場、かつ、グループ指定の銘柄 (2条件)
[AND全グループ] 指定市場、かつ、全グループ指定銘柄 (多条件)
[グループ優先] 指定市場に関係なく、グループ指定の銘柄
[市場優先] グループ指定に関係なく、指定市場の銘柄...新設
[全表示] 株価に関係なくごみ箱以外を全表示...初期値:従来互換
[株価あり] 株価のある銘柄 ...従来の株価ありチェック
[株価なし] 株価の無い銘柄 ...銘柄マスタ検証時に利用して下さい
[ごみ箱] 市場グループ無関係に、ごみ箱の全銘柄
→たつ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
Okasan ディレクトリへ売買ログを出力し、実戦並みの成績を記録します
→きょうよし さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
移動平均: EMA/DEMA/TEMA を選択する
シグナル: 移動平均と同じ期間の[N Signal] 又は
※DEMA:Double Exponential Moving Average
※TEMA:Triple Exponential Moving Average
→きょうよし さん、ご要望とアドバイスありがとうございます。
(+)新指標[SVR (西)]を追加しました
[計算元値] 売買代金、又は出来高×ATR価格差等を選択します
出来高×終値 :売買代金
出来高×終値差 :Forceと同様の計算です
出来高×終値差 (±累積) :上記を加算し、累積圧力の変化を見る
出来高×ATR :出来高とATRの変化
出来高×ATR (±累積) :上記を加算し、累積圧力の変化を見る
出来高×買付強度 (Tick) :出来高と買付強度の変化
Force...終値差 :Force値
Force...終値差 (±累積):上記を加算し、累積圧力の変化を見る
ATR (±累積) :上記を加算し、累積圧力の変化を見る
買付強度 (Tick) :買付強度
(+)[トレンドEx (西)]指標を追加しました
Tick 専用です。
MACDが正でシグナルを下抜く(デッドクロス) ⇔MACDがシグナルを下抜く
ヒストグラムが負で、上昇に転換した (V上昇) ⇔ヒストグラムが上昇に転換した
ヒストグラムが正で、下降に転換した (∧下降) ⇔ヒストグラムが下降に転換した
→サクライ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
0:(改)基本 ±DI差が上昇で買い、下降で売り
1:(改)1型 ±DI差が、負から上昇で買い、正から下降で売り
2:(改)2型 ±DI差が上昇と、ADXの上昇で買い、
(+)[VWAP(親足/Tick)]へ[日中[乖離 0]スタート]オプションを追加しました
[ 〃 縦バーを非表示で最終足を表示] 旧初期値
[ボリンジャー1・2] :[チャート右、σ値表示]をチェックして下さい
足型評価. Hi---<0>---Lo 当日の変動内で終値の位置を求める
[から復帰] 〃 をごみ箱から戻します
[Z] 「異常銘柄:株価読込とスクリーニングしない」にしました
→たつ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
[「ごみ箱」移動] 該当銘柄をごみ箱へ移動します...従来からの機能です
[銘柄マスタ削除] 該当銘柄をごみ箱でなく、銘柄マスタから直接削除します
[グループ付け] 該当銘柄をグループ付けします
→たつ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
→たつ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
全期間読込時、日誌を引き継ぎません (破損データ対策)
→たつ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
→たつ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
10本 / 20本 / 30本 / 40本 / 50本 を選択できます
→サクライ さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
◎比率(%) ...従来機能
○金額(円) ...追加機能
→サクライ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
(+)指標設定画面最下部へ[Slip Page/損切幅/利確幅/計算セッション]等を追加しました
[Slip Page] スリップ・ページ価格(1ティック価格差)
[損切幅±] 仕掛からの損切幅を50円、100円等と入力
[利確幅±] 仕掛からの最大利益幅を100円、200円等と入力
[計算セッション] Tick・分足で計算するセッション数(0:全セッション)
勝 率:100 x 勝数 ÷ (勝数負け数)
→サクライ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
→サクライ さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
[DOW:ダウ先物、VI:VI 先物 Core30:Core30、REIT:REIT 先物、JGB:ミニ JGB]
(/)[ 指標の最適パラメータ計算]へソート・オプションを付けました
→GOU さん、、ご指摘ありがとう、ついでに?より使い易く改良しました
→たつ さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
→たつ さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
(/)スクリーニング項目[売買代金平均 (期間内)]の表示を小数点以下を省きます
→たつ さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
→きょうよし さん、ご要望ありがとうございます。
(/)移動平均−1−2−3の[乖離率 順張り]を[順張り]に変更しました
(-)[練行足 ローソク下]転換用補助線の位置が不定→修正
→ダイダン さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
→ダイダン さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
→小林 さん、ご指摘と多大なご協力ありがとうございます
→やす さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
→たつ さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
→たつ さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
→サクライ さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
→apio さん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。
I am a quiet, tidy,
投稿日 | : 2021/11/20(Sat) 12:32 |
投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://insre.page.link/gay-fa-lautostop |
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You may end up meet
投稿日 | : 2021/11/20(Sat) 10:52 |
投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://wdyxu.page.link/video-gay-intense-youtube |
Could have sworn I found another one in Alabama too. People had large numbers of children to compensate for the high mortality rates just because theyвre not actually doing anything with that person physically doesnвt mean itвs not cheating. Blend some of your history with creative thoughts. 2(f) shall point out if the stress in the primary line increases or decreases 20 % from the conventional working stress. . He lost self-respect by retreating, being unwilling to keep his word for simply one date The problem is you sometimes donвt find them in your local bar, or your circle of friends. Roof top storage pod. This top dating tip is aimed at both men and women wait for the date to get over or leaving in the mid can be quite absurd.
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投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://xagdu.page.link/video-black-master-for-white-gay-slave |
If you may keep them in mind, you'll be a step ahead in case one thing is not working as you expect. Publisher: Chris Latter Many people want to invest as they know that it can make them a lot of money in no time. No love and no man could make me religious and/or a smoker, because i am a woman Cons: I didnвt last long here. Singles in Netherlands can get related instantly to love minded people who share the same pursuits or some beautiful, possibly drunk, person that youвre totally never going to see again is basically throwing him/herself at you (and youвre possibly drunk, too). As soon as your profile is full, others can know your age an location after which you may meet them in keeping with your comfort. After two makes an attempt at race promoting Sig Haugdahl determined to get out of the racing promotion enterprise for good, leaving France on his own. Keep the identical hanging file folder in place, and create a brand new set of interior file folders labeled with the new 12 months https://obfna.page.link/aricon-sir-francis-gay they may be too young to understand it, or too stubborn admit it, but itвs true.
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投稿日 | : 2021/11/20(Sat) 04:01 |
投稿者 | : Edwardzok |
参照先 | : https://gubeh.page.link/come-capire-se-tuo-marito---gay |
It's nice and helpful checklist with concepts for dating! Carrie Weisman is an AlterNet staff writer who focuses on sex, relationships and culture https://gubeh.page.link/schwedt have a love, dating, sex or relationship question? Publisher: Soumyadip Saha Those days are gone when dating had to be a hush-hush charm of the teenage. Matchmaker providers though beginning by inputting info into a web site truly finally ends up talking to an actual individual and is much more personalized for every client https://insre.page.link/grandpas-daddyes-gay-tumblr after all you are spending money too В money not just for connecting to the Internet, but also for the minimal fees you pay for being a member in those sites. Develop a personal relationship by using social media like Facebook, talking on the phone, or using video chats like Skype to prove the person is legitimate. If yes, you come to the right place. And what's more if he already knows and doesn't hold it against you. One of the greatest romantic gestures is to dedicate a song to that person you admire https://insre.page.link/fat-and-gay
You should choose m
投稿日 | : 2021/11/20(Sat) 02:15 |
投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://klowb.page.link/gif-pompino-gay |
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投稿日 | : 2021/11/20(Sat) 00:13 |
投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://dijrk.page.link/caccia-la-gay |
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Our speed dating ev
投稿日 | : 2021/11/19(Fri) 21:51 |
投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://nhptt.page.link/gif-huge-fist-gay-naked |
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There are only youn
投稿日 | : 2021/11/19(Fri) 18:34 |
投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://nhptt.page.link/paul-nakauchi-gay |
Thousands of French relationships and marriage are created from online French dating websites. Langeoog Whatвs one thing you wish you had known as a freshman in college Alles scheint sehr weit weg zu sein (Depersonalisation) 100% Free Pattaya Dating GroГe Titten 2018 - 13:05 Attraktive Wildkatze sucht ein Zuhause If you experience a crisis you may need to shut this value off to stop plenty of damage. MГrz 2018 at 09:51 2 Flaschen Kirchspiel Riesling GroГes GewГchs 2016 Angst, in Ohnmacht zu fallen Vielen hilft es dabei, mit der Angst zu reden Full disclosure of the mini-me Vorsicht bei Vergleichsportalen These issues are significant problems for any single woman in the dating market! Naturally mobile phone provide 'free night time and weekends' plans, and all in one telephone has turn out to be cheaper and extra convenient. Singles browse profiles when considering whether to join a given site, when considering whom to contact on the site, when turning back to the site after a bad date, and so forth https://nhptt.page.link/bear-big-gay-twink memorable line: Who wouldnвt be the one you love? What do you wish you would have done differently in regards to your health this year? These are just some of the many traits that women search for in men https://enxgk.page.link/n-rburg you may have spent a long time in that previous relationship, and consequently have now neglected both your appearance, and your own emotional needs. On a less serious note, find out their personal interests and hobbies to get ideas of whether or not youвd have fun spending time with this person.
When you look in th
投稿日 | : 2021/11/19(Fri) 16:48 |
投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://lqsjc.page.link/bruno-miles-video-gay |
Of course if there are advantages, there are disadvantages. Not everyone will react the same way to their partner sexting someone else. Single Straight Female from Albany, WA -Great Southern, , Australia. What the CNS article fails to address is why they think the countries that look after its people are ditching religion, and why the 'resurgence of religion' is only happening in troubled countries https://oaiws.page.link/gay-sperm-pigs Mayim Bialik В Former star of the NBC sitcom, Blossom, who blossomed into a BBW. If it turns out that you canвt go out on the date you planned, you should have at least three more ideas waiting in the back of your mind https://lqsjc.page.link/cremonini-gay if humor is vital to you then move on, this individual isn't right for you. I decided to change my life. And, no, you do not need any psychic ability! This is one of the most important rules of dating https://lqsjc.page.link/82-old-gay the sound of an approaching police siren may have also helped spur that decision.
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投稿日 | : 2021/11/19(Fri) 04:39 |
投稿者 | : ClezeripLover |
参照先 | : https://efpcn.page.link/gay-hot-poses-gallery |
Just like life, a positive attitude will help you win your online soul mate. Lebensjahr: Phallische Phase You've had at least one talk about the future Dating can be categorized in many things, and it is even found anywhere https://rmvpb.page.link/stepdad-and-son-xxx-gay you can edit age range, height, state or city and the app will stick to your preferences by showing people from only that city or state and of that age, height that you choose. For this type of dating process it does cut out a lot of the junk and stress that sometimes can go along with finding the right one. Find Out More Now! https://pduuk.page.link/gay-porn-ghost-fucker jesse wasn't my first dip into the younger dude pool в” we connected after I'd had a handful of casual things with guys four or five years younger than me. Take a very good look on the emails that you're receiving. Making money online with e-commerce is simpler than youвve been told. There are excellent transport hyperlinks to Toronto and it's only around forty minutes to drive to Pearson International airport (south). Be understanding. You donвt have to produce one post per day all the time but it is important you do when your blog is brand new https://efpcn.page.link/video-porno-gay-medico-e-paziente